eytang8@yahoo.com <3
eytang8@yahoo.com What was the maff?
westcalxvandy no idea
eytang8@yahoo.com =(
westcalxvandy yeah me too
westcalxvandy what was the chem due friday and monday?
eytang8@yahoo.com Oh well
eytang8@yahoo.com I don't know
eytang8@yahoo.com might've been the worksheet thing
westcalxvandy bleh
eytang8@yahoo.com I don't feel like doing any homework today
westcalxvandy bummer
westcalxvandy it's just math and chem
eytang8@yahoo.com Surely we must have had Euro
westcalxvandy lol
westcalxvandy gud one
eytang8@yahoo.com for real
eytang8@yahoo.com Isn't the AP test soon?
westcalxvandy bleh
westcalxvandy don't wanna think about it